OTC 2024 news square

Highlights from OTC 2024!

Orga and Tideland Signal had an exceptional presence at this year’s Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston. We …

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News item windenergy hamburg square

Orga’s complete obstruction lighting solution at WindEnergy Hamburg

It has been a while since we had the chance to show our complete obstruction lighting solution product line at a real life …

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orga signal image

Tideland Signal Manufacturing LLC continues production of Tidelands product portfolio

Tideland Signal Manufacturing LLC, part of the privately held Orga group of companies, is pleased to announce that it will set up …

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HMS recap | Orga

A recap of our ‘HMS posts’ on LinkedIn

Helidecks illuminated with a Circle-H lighting system greatly contributed to safe landings on offshore assets. As you can imagine…

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Webinar | Orga

Successful webinar CAP437

We recently held a successful webinar with more than 40 participants from the Middle East explaining the requirements for helideck…

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ADLS | Orga

A recap of our ‘ADLS/BNK posts’ on LinkedIn

From 1 July 2021 wind turbines in Germany will have to comply with the BNK (“Bedarfgesteuerte Nachtkennzeichnung”) regulation…

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orga signal image

Orga Signal BV strengthens its global Aids to Navigation market position by acquiring assets of Tideland Signal

Orga Signal BV, part of the privately held Orga group of companies, today announced that it has closed its acquisition of certain …

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square news corona

Beware of “Spoofing Emails”

We recently noticed from a number of customers and suppliers that fake emails have been sent to them in the name of Orga. These so…

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remote fat website square

Introducing a Remote-FAT

Covid-19 still has a big effect on how business can be conducted. Activities that were just a routine practice in the past, like …

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square news corona

Orga is still open and takes extra measures due to Corona

The Dutch government has taken extra measures to prevent the further spreading of COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, like the …

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Dogshelter 2

Timo sets up volunteering project with Malaysian colleagues Lei-Mun, Marjan and Marlon.

Timo has been at the heart of our ICT department for already 18 years. He started as a system administrator and for the last 9 …

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Changing the world of charging | Orga

Showing our latest innovation at ADIPEC 2019 booth 8430!

From 11 to 14 November 2019 we will be attending one of the biggest oil & gas energy exhibitions of the world: ADIPEC 2019. …

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