High rise structures
High-rise structures often have to deal with a lot of different regulations. One of the regulations concerns ‘air traffic safety’. When you are responsible for a telecom or broadcast tower, tall chimneys or big skyscrapers, you have to make sure that the structure is visible.
Aviation Obstruction Lighting systems are needed to visually mark your high-rise structure to ensure safe air traffic. The specific lighting system needed to comply with regulations depends on which region you are in.
Orga specialises in Aviation Obstruction Lighting and offers user-friendly solutions that are designed to have low OP-EX and CAP-EX.
We know the safety regulations in your specific region
At Orga we are experts with respect to the safe marking of high-rise structures. We know worldwide regulations like the back of our hand. With our knowledge and experience we have developed an array of products and solutions that help certify high-rise structures anywhere in the world, in an effective and cost-efficient way.
Orga can help you comply with many worldwide regulations such as ICAO & FAA.
See our obstruction lighting system Contact us