Installation and commissioning of an Orga illuminated Circle-H system.
Our client’s request
The Seafox 1 is a jack-up platform situated in the North Sea (UK waters). It serves as an ‘offshore hotel’ and offshore heliport. Crew and visitors of multiple production platforms located in the surrounding field, commute by helicopter every day to work on neighbouring platforms.
Since the platform is currently located in the UK North Sea, the Seafox 1 platform was requested to comply with the latest CAP437 standard (the illuminated Circle-H is mandatory from April 2018).
The challenge
• The helideck on the Seafox is heavily used for transporting crew and visitors for multiple platforms in the field.
• Installing the system during the night was not possible, because the helicopter needed to be parked on the Seafox helideck.
• To make sure daily operation on the several platforms was not hindered, installing the system had to be done during daytime, on an operational helideck. Throughout the instalment of the Circle-H system, the deck would have to be cleared several times to make way for landings and take-offs.
• The amount of gear on the helideck had to be limited, to allow for quick removal in case a helicopter needed to touch down or take-off.
• The cold North Sea winter made the work harder for the installation team.
Delivered services
Circle-H delivery and installation
Circle-H system
Control panel
Project information
North Sea, UK
Orga’s solution
Because we know the challenges and tight schedules offshore, Orga’s Circle-H system is designed to be installed and serviced in as little time as possible. All parts of the Circle-H are modular and can be laid-out, installed and connected quickly. The installment of the Circle-H system was done in phases, always leaving untouched, or finished areas of the deck for the helicopter to touch down or take-off. Before every step in the installation progress, the team discussed the possible risks involved with planned and unplanned helicopter operations. Before every landing, pilots were informed on the actual deck status. The agreed upon zones of the deck were then cleared before every landing. • The Circle-H system was successfully installed in about a week. This is longer than usual. The installment was slowed down by the many helicopter movements and the team encountered bad weather conditions in the form of snow, sleet, and heavy wind and rain. • Around 8 helicopter landings and take-offs were performed every day during installation. • The Seafox 1 platform now has a fully operational and compliant Circle-H system.
A high level of flexibility of Orga made the project a great success.