For the last few years, Orga has been developing a vastly improved system for lighting the markings of the circle and the H on helidecks. Positive results at test sites recently led to the UK Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA) making the touchdown and positioning system mandatory for all helidecks on platforms in British territorial waters as from 2018. Jan Piet Stock, General Business Manager at Orga, understands the CAA’s decision: ‘Our new LED-lit Circle-H (TD/PM) greatly improves the visibility of the helicopter landing area and, thus, safety. The installation at the test site in the Irish Sea has now been functioning for a year to everyone’s complete satisfaction; the helicopter pilots are really enthusiastic.’

A number of years ago, in collaboration with the UK CAA, Orga started developing a touchdown and positioning lighting system for helidecks at offshore assets. In October 2012 it installed the first Circle-H at a test site in the Irish Sea: a platform where helicopter pilots make intensive use of the helideck – in all weathers. The helicopter pilots are very happy with the new system according to a report published not long ago by the UK CAA (CAP 1077). Stock: ‘The CAP 1077 contains a lot of positive feedback from pilots. One of the pilots even called the new system “awesome”. So we are very proud of it.’

The CAA is not the only organisation to see the advantages of the improved system for offshore helidecks. Many other parties have called in Orga to build lighting systems on their platforms. Jan Piet Stock: ‘We are already receiving requests from all over the world. At the moment, we are the only company to have a fully tested and certified touchdown and positioning system for helidecks. It is important for our production department that customers let us know that they are interested in good time as we can then jointly ensure that all helidecks are equipped with the mandatory new Circle-H in time.’

For more information, please contact
Daniel Powell, Product Group Manager, Orga Offshore
T +31 10 208 5566

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