After a hard study Orga’s service engineers Barry Klijn, Martijn Qualm, Martin Terwischa van Scheltinga, Jan Willem de Boer and QC Manager Johan Verheij, passed their IECEx exam and are now IECEx certified.

The certificate is issued as verification that the Applicant was assessed and found to comply with the IECEx CoPC Scheme requirements, relating to the scope of Competence (Basic principles Ex001, Installation Ex003 and Maintenance Ex004) and referenced Standards. The certificate is granted subject to the conditions as set out in IECEx CoPC Scheme Rules, IECEx 05. After receipt of the personalized certificate Dekra ads the competent persons to the online list of IECEx competent persons.

At the moment The Netherlands only has 34 IECEx certified persons who are competent, experienced and trained enough to work with explosion proof products/equipment. We expect this number to grow, due to Orga’s investments in getting more employees certified and to further expand their competences.

For more detailed information follow the link: