About Orga
The way ahead
Orga is the trusted partner of choice when it comes to the protection of people, assets and the environment. Since 1973, Orga has been delivering high quality and efficient solutions for marking assets and landing areas to ensure safe operations. Orga develops and manufactures smart offshore and onshore obstruction marking for wind turbines, high-rise buildings and telecom towers, Circle-H helideck lighting, Aids to Navigation and power supply systems. A comprehensive range of services and support capabilities is also provided.
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The trusted partner of choice in protecting people, assets and the environment

Helideck Lighting
Get your crew home safe
Offshore helidecks are an important part of offshore safety, as well as being essential for the transport of crews and equipment in an efficient way. To perform safe offshore flights, you will need an offshore helideck that is in compliance with the requirements that apply in your specific country or region.
To manage the risks that are involved with offshore helicopter flights, countries worldwide have standards and regulations in place. These regulations prescribe that offshore helidecks should be visually marked by lighting systems. The lighting systems prescribed are specifically designed to prevent aborted or missed landings, and to prevent dangerous landings, by providing increased visibility of the helideck to pilots during touch down or take off.
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Obstruction Lighting
Cost efficient compliance
Whether you are building or maintaining a tall structure, such as a wind farm, telecommunication or broadcasting tower, a high rise building or a chimney, means that you are dealing with many stakeholders. Alongside there are safety regulations and standards that you have to comply with.
One type of the safety standards you have to deal with are the recommendations and standards of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO,) or those of the relevant national Civil Aviation Authority who may have their own specific requirements. These recommendations require that Aviation Obstruction Lighting systems must visually mark your ‘tall obstruction’ to make sure air traffic in the vicinity can operate safely.
Orga specializes in Aviation Obstruction Lighting and offers solutions to help you comply with ICAO and other national regulations.

Power Solutions
Reliable power for remote locations in extreme conditions
Running and maintaining a safe and reliable operation on offshore and unmanned locations is no easy task. Hazardous areas can make the matter even more complex when you need a reliable power system, that keeps critical systems up and running in every situation. Orga helps make remote operations possible with a range of power solutions.
We custom design our systems to fit the individual needs of our clients, and we take into consideration the schedule, the footprint, location and cost efficiency of the project. Through the years, we have supplied and commissioned many Power solutions.
With our knowledge, experience, system solutions and services we help making the challenges of providing reliable power in unmanned and offshore locations manageable for our customers.
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