Power solutions
Because of the remoteness of oil and gas assets, and to underscore their operation, your offshore assets need continuous, reliable and risk-free power supply to your critical loads, with failure of any kind not being an option.
Offshore oil and gas assets require state-of-the-art power solutions that do the job effectively, efficiently, reliably, and in the harshest conceivable environments including gas hazardous areas. The explosion proof power solutions translate into uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or solar power systems which are all suitable for operation in Ex zone 1 and 2. Our track record of design and engineering excellence in supplying power solutions will underscore the continuation of your operations.
Orga helps you find the right and effective power solution for each specific situation, taking in account the asset location, power requirement and lifetime. Fully customized and certified solutions can be provided with our in house knowledge and expertise.
Our power products Remote power brochureBenefits power solutions

Compact solutions
Because space on your asset is limited and valuable, we focus the design of our solutions on being as compact as possible.

Track record
Over 535,000 watt peak solar power supplied to offshore assets, represented by 5,000 explosion proof solar panels.

One stop shop
A complete solution when it comes to power supply of remote locations.

Designed as power supply to critical systems, reliability is mandatory in all systems.

Low cost of ownership
The long life, easy installation and maintenance-free nature keep the total cost of ownership appealingly low.

Technically secure solutions
Since installing our first battery-charging system in the mid 90s, Orga has provided power solutions to the world’s major oil, gas and wind-power operators. Working alongside you, we will define a technically secure solution that delivers your requirements, meets regulatory stipulations and fits the relevant constraints, such as available space on the asset and a challenging project budget. For every project, the choice of technology is dictated by factors that include geographical location, power requirements and size. You can count on the systems we design being as modular and user-friendly as circumstances permit.
You can also come to us to survey existing power solutions, irrespective of whether they were installed by us or by a third party. After carrying out a complete analysis of your installation, our knowledgeable, fully certified and comprehensively equipped service team will compile and present a clear status report, complete with recommendations and necessary actions.
“Orga has provided power solutions to most of the world’s major oil, gas and wind-power operators”
Overall system warranty
Our ability to offer an overall system warranty will give you peace of mind. We design all our systems and manufacture most of the components ourselves. For crucial components that we do not manufacture, such as batteries, our extensive experience allows us to select the best available on the market.
Orga is recognised by oil and gas operators the world over as a one-stop solution provider. And thanks to our project involvement, from Front-End Engineering Design through to Engineering Procurement and Construction, we can simplify for you what might otherwise be a complex working process. Orga shows the way ahead.
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