Recommendations ICAO
When you poke your head above the parapet and stand tall in the landscape, there is a lot to take into consideration. When you are building or maintaining a tall structure – such as a wind turbine, chimney or broadcasting/telecommunications tower, you are dealing with multiple stakeholders involved in your structure. To be successful you must balance all wants, needs and preferences. Alongside that, there are safety standards that have to be met.
Among the safety regulations you might have to deal with are the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). These recommendations require that Aviation Obstruction Lighting systems must visually mark tall obstructions in the environment to ensure the safety of air traffic.
Orga is a specialist in Aviation Obstruction Lighting and offers solutions to help you comply with ICAO and other (worldwide) regulations.
What do the ICAO standards and recommended practices cover?
The ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) prescribe lighting schemes that ensure tall obstructions in the environment are safely marked and thus clearly visible to passing air traffic. The lights prescribed use high-performance optics, making them visible from miles away. ICAO has defined light intensities, colours and flash patterns in their Standards and Recommended Practices.
Schematic visual of the ICAO recommendations. (look At ITL, flash, etc.)
The safety regulations in your specific region
Countries can choose to adopt the ICAO SARPs, or can choose to create their own variation on them. Countries can also develop their own set of national regulations. This means that the ICAO SARPs are international guidelines. The system you need to comply with depends on where your windfarm, chimney, broadcasting or telecommunications tower is situated.
Working with us
At Orga we are experts with respect to the safe marking of aviation obstructions. We know worldwide regulations like the back of our hand. With our knowledge and 45 years of optical experience, we have developed an array of products and solutions that can help certify your project or assets anywhere in the world, in an effective and cost-efficient way.
Overview of our obstruction lighting products