Bedarfgesteuerte Nachtkennzeichnung (BNK)
The renewable wind energy market has been growing and evolving rapidly, thereby positively contributing to the energy transition and reducing CO2 emissions. Wind turbines are marked with obstruction lights for passing air traffic, making sure the obstacle is visible to pilots and safety is ensured. However, with increasing numbers of wind farms and larger wind turbines some local residents encounter nuisance at night caused by the obstruction marking safety lights. This effect is commonly referred to as “light pollution”.
Anhang 6 for BNK
To reduce light pollution and thereby energy consumption, the German-AVV introduced Anhang 6 for BNK (Bedarfgesteuerte Nachtkennzeichnung von Windenergieanlagen, also known as Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems or ADLS). Which makes BNK systems mandatory for existing and new wind farms, with the intention of ensuring the adoption of technologies that further reduce light pollution. BNK systems combine the obstruction lighting with a system that detects when an aircraft at night is within a radius of 4km and an altitude of less than 600m of the wind farm, and turning the lights on at that time.
This specific regulation will apply for German onshore turbines from 31 December 2022 and for German offshore turbines from 31 December 2023.
Compatibility of Orga obstruction lighting systems
Orga has over 15 years of experience in connecting our obstruction lighting systems to BNK systems. For example read about the Reuβenköge wind farm project. The majority of our obstruction lighting systems are compatible with either radar or transponder technology. If not, the obstruction lighting products can easily be made compatible ensuring full compliance with the new BNK legislation.
Overview of our obstruction lighting products